Friday, June 29, 2007


Children aged two and below can learn to read – well before they learn the alphabet – says an infant researcher.

Can an 18-month old baby read? Not just make unintelligible sounds but pronounce words as correctly as their developing speech would allow?

Yes, it is confirmed by an infant researcher. Base on his research, a toddler is able to point out the different parts of her body when a card with words like “nose,” “foot” and “head” are held up in front of her. In another, a child of three reads a storybook and even creates different voices for the various characters in the story.

The first two years of a child’s life are the most crucial as tens of thousands of synapses in the brain are forming. About 75% of the mass of the brain is formed by age two. That’s why it’s highly recommended in the first two years that parents spend as much time as possible talking, interacting and playing with their babies. No matter how busy the parents are, their baby will only have this rapid brain development period one time in her or his life.

He carried out research with literally hundreds of babies and came up with his own system of teaching language to toddlers, called the Multi-Sensory Reading Approach. The series of books and videos are interactive and designed to be fun for the children. The books focus on the word first, then the picture. Each page contains an action or question for the child. As soon as the child has developed visual tracking and can follow a moving object, she will be able to use the video and books, as the videos teach them to read a word from left to right.

Research has shown that learning to read early in a child’s life can help to accelerate learning later in life and in other areas. And this method pretty much dispels the notion that children have to learn the alphabet first before learning how to read. Most parents will spend a year or a year-and-a-half teaching the toddlers the names of the letters. From the baby’s perspective, think about how abstract that is. If you’re a typical two-year-old and you don’t know how to read a single word, and people are pointing out ‘D-O-G.’ You don’t even know what the letters are used for.

Usually, the children sing the ABC song and just point at the letters, hoping you haven’t moved the letters around. They don’t really know letters that well. But if they know how to read, they will not think of these as abstract things. They will think of them more like objects, as if you were pointing out a doorknob or something. They will know what a doorknob is after hearing it once or twice.

If children are taught words first, then they would already be familiar with letters and would be curious to know that each letter has a “name”. Parents need to spend as much time interacting with their children as possible. They should talk to their children from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep, and they should use simple, descriptive language in a soothing manner. Most importantly, they must see things from a baby’s perspective; something that is “little” to an adult may be “huge” to a toddler.

Repeat the words as many times as possible. After the baby has learned 50 words, they will be able to learn new words after hearing them once or twice. You need to be careful of the words you use because baby can remember what you say! It is also important for parents to listen to their babies, and show their appreciation when a baby makes language-related sounds, as this will help a child to make new sounds. There tends to be a delay of six months from when the baby understands the language to when the baby can say the words.

As far as learning disabilities and reading disorders go, some people have claimed that the multi-sensory approach can even prevent those kinds of problems. For dyslexia, the most common reading disorder, a lot of the children do not look at words from left to right. This can help prevent that problem, because they’re being taught, as babies, to look at words from left to right.

If you look at how babies learn all other aspects of language, then it will start to make more sense. Babies can learn second languages easier than six-year-olds. Babies learn any aspect of language very naturally and easily, and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to learn at high levels.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


1. Hendaklah sentiasa bersikap dan berfikir secara positif pada sebarang waktu dan dalam sebarang situasi . Lafazkan ungkapan dan kata-kata yang optimistik. Letakkanlah kepercayaan yang padu disebalik ungkapan dan kata-kata tadi. Ungkapan tersebut seperti "Aku mesti berjaya!", "Aku percaya penuh pada diri dan kebolehan ku...." dan sebagainya yang positif.
Tidak ada perkataan yang" tidak boleh" dalam kamus kehidupan . Sentiasa berfikir aku boleh.
2. Tentukan matlamat yang hendak dicapai atau dituju. Jangan sekali membenarkan fikiran dan kepercayaan anda diganggu oleh kegagalan-kegagalan yang lalu. Kita selalunya mempunyai potensi-potensi yang lebih banyak serta lebih kuat daripada apa yang kita sangkakan. Kejayaan tidak memerlukan intelek yang luar biasa. Orang-orang yang berjaya bukanlah orang -orang yang luar biasa. Juga kejayaan bukanlah bergantung pada nasib. Orang yang semata-mata bergantung kepada nasib untuk berjaya adalah orang yang menipu dirinya sendiri. Konsep berjaya yang sebenar memerlukan seseorang itu berfikir,merancang,berusaha dan bertindak. Inilah konsep berjaya yang sebenar.
3. Setiap orang pernah mengalami kegagalan dan pernah melakukan kesilapan. Jangan sekali-kali kita menyerah kalah dan hilang kepercayaan diri semata-mata disebabkan kegagalan dan kesilapan yang lampau. Ingatlah tidak ada orang yang sempurna segala-galanya. Ingatlah dari kegagalan dan kesilapan itulah kita akan muncul sebagai orang yang berjaya. Sebenarnya di dalam diri setiap manusia terhimpun suatu tenaga yang luar biasa. Tenaga yang luar biasa itu sentiasa menawarkan khidmatnya bila-bila masa sahaja untuk memenuhi apa sahaja hajat,cita-cita, usaha-usaha dan tindakan positif dan berani.
4. Jangan gentar, jangan ragu ...gambarkan matlamat perjuangan anda itu seolah-olah anda nampak yang anda sedang menuju ke mercu kejayaan.Cuma yang perlu disesuaikan ialah kepercayaan dan keyakinan kita itu mestilah diletakkan dibawah kekuasaan Allah s.w.t. yang mempunyai kuasa yang absolute dalam menentukan qadar dan qadha seseorang itu. Yang penting kita ada matlamat atau goal yang hendak dicapai....ianya mestilah jelas dan munasabah pada akal dan kemampuan kita. Kemudian sediakanlah rancangan dan strategi dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Percutian Yang Indah Lagi Menyeronokkan

Jika anda inginkan percutian anda sesuatu yang indah dan menyeronokkan dan tanpa membebankan kepala...rancanglah sesuatu dari sekarang untuk keterangan lanjut ....hantarlah email anda kepada saya untuk mengetahui caranya. Atau sila klik sini.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Money without financial intelligance is money soon gone.

If you are going to build the empire state , the first thing you need to do is dig a deep hole and pour a strong foundation .

For assistance and tips , surf this.


1. 100 hari - keseluruhan badan rasa bergegar
2. 60 hari - pusat rasa bergerak-gerak.
3. 40 hari - daun dengan nama orang yang akan mati di arash akan jatuh dan
malaikat maut pun akan datang kepada orang dengan nama
tersebut lalu mendampinginya sehingga saat kematiannya.
Kadangkala orang yang akan mati akan merasa atau nampak
kehadiran malaikat maut dan akan sering kelihatan rungsing.
4. 7 hari - mengidam makanan
5. 5 hari - anak lidah bergerak-gerak
6. 3 hari - bahagian tengah dahi bergerak-gerak
7. 1 hari - terasa bahagian ubun-ubun bergerak diantara waktu Subuh dan Asar.
8. Saat akhir - Terasa sejuk dari bahagian pusat hingga ke tulang solbi dibahagian belakang
badan. Seelok-eloknya sudah merasa tanda-tanda yang akhir sekali
hendaklah mengucap dalam keadaan qiam dan jangan bercakap-cakap.


6 cara untuk membuka pintu rezeki yang halal.
1. Tawakal- iaitu pasrah kepada ketentuan Allah setelah berusaha keras dan bersungguh-sungguh.
2. Berakhlak baik- berbuat baik sesama manusia dan mengundang simpati orang untuk bergaul. 3. Banyakkan mengaji- banyakkan mengaji Al-Quran bila kesulitan dalam memperolehi rezeki Allah dalam usaha-usaha seharian dan rajinlah membaca surat Al-Waqiah pada waktu malam.
4. Perbanyakkan zikir.
5. Berdoa pada malam hari- sembahyang taubat-sembahyang tahajud dan paginya sembahyang Israq dan Duha.
6. Berkahwin- berkahwinlah dengan cara yang halal kerana pintu rezeki akan terbuka luas.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Untuk mengelakkan bulu kucing kesayangan anda dari gugur berikan kucing anda makan scots emulsion yang berwarna putih selama tiga hari. Insyaallah bulu kucing anda tidak akan gugur. Selamat mencuba..... Anina

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Tujuan blog ini adalah bagi memaparkan dan berkongsi pengalaman dan maklumat semasa berkaitan hal ehwal semasa, perniagaan, politik dan sebagainya. Sekiranya anda ada sebarang kemuskilan atau soalan lanjut boleh hantar e-mail kepada saya.....